Monday, January 4, 2010

Electronic-Media Is The Main CULPRIT

What began as a normal fast unto death for the foul mouthed KCR has now made him into a messiah for a few fanatics. All this is to separate the state of Andhra Pradesh into two and create a separate Telangana state. Barely twenty days has changed the entire scenario of Andhra Pradesh and given the rapid development, many have been trying to figure out the causes for this mess. All fingers are pointing towards one direction – the electronic media.
It is an open secret that the flurry of news channels that are currently around has created a rat race and the urge to get maximum TRP ratings has dumped ethics and the ideal role of a media channel into the drain. Right now, it is all about ad revenues, sensations and breaking news. Unfortunately, it is the people and the viewers who become victims of this. The news channels have been glorifying every single thing and running the same news again and again creating a psychological influence on the viewers.
Their over-action has been prompting even the silent people to cause some noise so that they can fall in the camera lens. It can be recalled during the burning of buses and damaging incident that not one face was showing anguish. Instead, they were laughing and making merry out of this anarchy.
To add to the woes, the channels interview such mindless wimps making them heroes. One major blunder as per many viewers is the forum being conducted by HMTV titled ‘Dasa Disa’.  It is very clear that the HMTV is pro- Telangana and they are doing whatever they can to spread the T-word. Ironically, when one of the Rayalaseema leader Chandrasekhara Reddy stated clearly that the cause for this ‘Disa’ to the state is also media, the head of the channel says ‘thank you’. This goes to show the kind of people who are sitting in the media desks and corrupting the minds of the people.
It is a shame we have to see such things in our lives and if the e-media continues their rampage solely for money then the day is not far when they will have to shut down their shops.

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