Thursday, January 28, 2010

Priyamani Dates With Her Manager

The buxom beauty Priyamani hits the headlines again and it is due to her ‘dates’. Well, don’t get into naughty thoughts as the dates we are talking about is her call sheet dates. This time, she has given it to none other than Hari, who happens to be the pretty girl’s manager.
Sources say that he is planning to make a movie and wanted Mani in it. Off late, this has become a common trend so see heroines rolling out their call sheets to managers, PROs, make up men and other crew members. At the end of the day, it is money that matters to them and credentials are secondary.
However, there are those like A M Ratnam who was the make up man for the yesteryears heroine Vijayasanthi and emerged to be a successful moviemaker. So let us hope to see folks like Hari also making a mark for themselves in the circuit.

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